List of products by brand CAPRICE
Caprice was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Pirmasens, Germany. It has developed into one of the most innovative centers of production and technology of shoes. Caprice aims to develop shoes that make you feel like you are walking in the air - "Walking on air".
Η Caprice ιδρύθηκε το 1990 με έδρα την πόλη Pirmasens στην Γερμανία. Έχει αναπτυχθεί σε ένα από τα πιο καινοτόμα κέντρα παραγωγής και τεχνολογίας υποδημάτων. Η Caprice στοχεύει στην ανάπτυξη υποδημάτων που σας κάνουν να αισθάνεστε σαν να περπατάτε στον αέρα- “Walking on air”. Η μοντέρνα συλλογή της βασίζεται στην ευελιξία του συστήματος “ ON AIR” μαζί με τον εξειδικευμένο έλεγχο θερμοκρασίας και το AntiShokk τακούνι που εξασφαλίζει ασυναγώνιστη άνεση και ποιότητα.
Reference: 9-61042-42-170 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61042-42-022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61024-42 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61017-42 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61008-43 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61007-43 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61005-43 010 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61029-42-022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61016-42-022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61011-42-022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61010-42-644 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-61010-42-022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28319-42-341 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28319-42-005 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28308-42-191 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28308-42-019 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28307-42-303 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28302-42-450 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28302-42-197 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-28302-42-019 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-27213-42-701 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-27213-42-660 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-22156-42-118 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-22103-42-336 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-16400-43 337 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-16400-43 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-16202-43 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-16200-43 019 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-13600-43 019 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-14501-42-019 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-26433-29 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-26433-41 019 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-26433-41 326 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-26226-41 326 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-26226-41 132 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-26226-41 019 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-25425-41 303 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-26407-43 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-25325-41 303 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-25325-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-9-25105-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-26300-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-25227-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-25225-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-26406-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-25431-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-25525-41 022 Brand: CAPRICE
Reference: 9-25550-43 022 Brand: CAPRICE